2nd Workshop

"Freedom and Opression"

This softly leads to the final activity "Freedom and Opression". It is pretty similar to the "Sculpture and Clay" activity but dug deeper into emotion exploration, exploring and conveying feelings though still images, Image Theatre. Pairs modeled their vision on freedom and oppression through their partner and then presented to others. The next step was to try illustrating 3 phases: opressed->transition->free. The last step was to divide in 2 groups, divide in three role types: opressor, opressed and neutral spectator, and then make a story from 3 images. The first group showed a transition where the opressed got freedom. The latter group depicted the free people becoming opressed.

After both showing their work a discussion was held where the participants reflected on their feelings in these opposite roles, as well as discussing how their scenarios are connected to real life situations.

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