3rd Workshop

When: July 16, 2024
Where: Białystok


As part of our project that utilizes art as a therapeutic tool, we conducted a workshop aimed at helping university students release emotional tension and gain a better understanding of themselves and how they are perceived by others. The workshop consisted of two main activities: painting self-portraits on paper and an art therapy session through movement.

Workshop Activities

Part 1: Painting Self-Portraits on Paper The workshop began with an activity that allowed participants to express their self-perception and how they believe they are perceived by others through painting self-portraits on paper.
Additionally, participants were encouraged to depict their emotions on the paper in an expressive manner.
This part of the workshop was calming and introspective. Participants focused on the artistic expression of their emotions and self-awareness, exploring both their self-view and the external perception.

Part 2: Connect with Your Body - Art Therapy through Movement The second part of the workshop involved an art therapy session centered on movement. Participants engaged in guided physical activities designed to foster a deeper connection with their bodily sensations and emotions.
This activity emphasized mindfulness and the expression of emotions through body movements, helping participants to become more attuned to their physical and emotional states.

Reflections and Feedback

After completing both parts of the workshop, participants had time to reflect and share their thoughts on the activities.
Feedback from the students was very positive. They appreciated the opportunity to express their emotions and self-perception through painting, and then engage in a mindful, reflective activity through movement.
Many participants highlighted that this format allowed them to better understand their emotions, self-image, and the interplay between their physical sensations and emotions.


The workshop demonstrated that combining creative artistic work with physical activity can be an effective tool in working with students on emotional issues. Expressing emotions through art followed by mindful movement promotes reflection and relaxation. Continuing such activities can benefit the emotional development and self-awareness of university students.


  • Organize regular workshops that combine creative artistic work with physical activity.
  • Explore various forms of artistic expression to provide students with diverse ways to express their emotions.
  • Provide a safe space for open sharing of reflections and emotions after the activities.


The emotional workshop, involving painting self-portraits and art therapy through movement, can be proved effective and can be well-received. The combination of introspective artistic expression and mindful physical activity created a space for deeper understanding of oneself and one's emotions. These workshops can be a valuable component of educational and therapeutic programs for students.

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