CREative Arts as Therapy tools In YOuth Work (CREATIYOK)
Agreement Number: 2023-1-PL01-KA210-YOU-000152756
Applicant Organisation: OPEN SOUL, POLAND,
Partner Organisation: ACPELIA, CYPRUS,
Partner Organisation: YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA,
Activities that the project has
Work will be divided in sessions according to the activities that we had in the application.
Activity 1: Project Management
Responsible organisation for the management plan: OPEN SOUL, POLAND
activity will be continuously for the whole period of the project, the whole
period of 24 months. Each organisation must have 1 responsible person for this
activity, and we are going to have online meetings every month so to be able to
work all together. Management will be responsible for the whole implementation
of all the activities. Persons that are responsible for this will need to know
everything about the project and will be the ones that will be informed for
every aspect of the project.

Specifically, from each organisation we want the following things:
· Must prepare the internal agreements between the organisation and make the transfers of the calculated amount. In the agreements the work must be shown for each organisation
· Must make a call and create a team of 4 youth workers that will be part of the program and will be attend the 2 trainings in Cyprus and Latvia and will implement local activities in their area according to the activities that follow. Personal Contracts will be done with the youth workers.
· Organizing a logo Contest for the logo of our program or preparing the logo of the program (better to be a logo contest with all organisations)
· Must plan for all activities that will be done for the 24 months of the project (page with all activities will be also in our webpage).
· Must take care of all necessary documents and keep them in their organisation in a folder with all necessary documents for each activity. For each activity we need the following documents:
· Attendance list of the participants with signs for each activity that we implement (for all activities)
· Boarding passes of all attendance that they are coming from abroad (2 APV and 2 trainings)
· Report for each activity with photos, dates, and the procedure (for all activities in all countries) – these activities will be also mentioned in the webpage.
· Evaluation reports for all international activities from the participants (2 training courses Cyprus and Latvia)
· Evaluation reports from the participants of all local activities
· Taking care of all the work that must be done in all the duration of the program. OPEN SOUL is responsible for the management plan which is going to be done in September 2023

In charge of the Project manager of ACPELIA will be the following
· Preparing a list with all activities that were written in the application and explanation of the activities according to the application (detailed analysis of them which is the document that you have now)
· Must make a call and create a team of 4 youth workers that will be part of the program and will be attend the 2 trainings in Cyprus and Latvia and will implement local activities in their area according to the activities that follow. Personal Contracts will be done with the youth workers.
· Organizing a logo Contest for the logo of our program or preparing the logo of the program (better to be a logo contest with all organisations)
· Must plan for all activities that will be done for the 24 months of the project (page with all activities will be also in our webpage).
· Taking Care of all necessary documents that need to be done for each local activity and each international activity as followed:

· Attendance list of the participants with signs for each activity that we implement (for all local activities and the training in Cyprus)
· Boarding passes of all attendance that they are coming from abroad (training in Cyprus). These must be send to the applicant organisation
· Report for each activity with photos, dates, and the procedure (for all activities in Cyprus and the training) – these activities will be also mentioned in the webpage.
· Evaluation reports for all international activities from the participants (training courses Cyprus)
· Evaluation reports from the participants of all local activities

In charge of the Project manager of YOUNG FOLKS will be the following
- Must make a call and create a team of 4 youth workers that will be part of the program and will be attend the 2 trainings in Cyprus and Latvia and will implement local activities in their area according to the activities that follow. Personal Contracts will be done with the youth workers.
- Organizing a logo Contest for the logo of our program or preparing the logo of the program (better to be a logo contest with all organisations)
- Must plan for all activities that will be done for the 24 months of the project (page with all activities will be also in our webpage).
- Taking Care of all necessary documents that need to be done for each local activity and each international activity as followed:
- Attendance list of the participants with signs for each activity that we implement (for all local activities and the training in Latvia)
- Boarding passes of all attendance that they are coming from abroad (training in Latvia). These must be send to the applicant organisation
- Report for each activity with photos, dates, and the procedure (for all activities in Latvia and the training) – these activities will be also mentioned in the webpage.
- Evaluation reports for all international activities from the participants (training course Latvia)
- Evaluation reports from the participants of all local activities

Activity 2: Dissemination and Follow Up Activities
Responsible organization for the dissemination and follow-up plan: ACPELIA, CYPRUS
Organizations (Project Managers) must organize at least 2 dissemination
activities and 12 follow-up activities (6 after each training) with youth
workers and persons from other organizations.
ACPELIA, CYPRUS: Project Manager of ACPELIA will be responsible for the whole dissemination and follow-up plan for the whole timeline of the project and will be prepared in September 2023. Also, ACPELIA is responsible for the creation of the project's webpage.

Activity 3: Checking Up and Evaluating the learning Processes
Responsible organization for the evaluation and checking plan: YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA
Organizations must find a person beyond the project manager who will be
checking the whole work of the program as it goes. Also, evaluations will be done
in the whole period of the program, reports of these evaluations must
organize at least 2 dissemination activities and 12 follow-up activities (6
after each training) with youth workers and persons from other organizations.
Expenses of 1000 euro in each organization are going for salaries in the
responsible person for each organisation for the checking and the evaluations
and the analysis of the results of all evaluations.
YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA: YOUNG FOLKS will be responsible for the whole CHECKING UP AND EVALUATION PLAN FOR THE whole timeline of the project and will be prepared in September 2023. Also, Young Folks are responsible of preparing a sample of evaluations that will be done in APV, in training courses and in Local Activities (must be prepared before each activity)

Activity 4: Kick-Off TM Meeting (Poland)
Responsible organisation for the Kickoff Meeting: OPEN SOUL, POLAND
All organisations must have 2 participants to attend the APV meeting in Poland from 3 to 5 of October 2023.
SOUL, POLAND: Organizing a place for the APV, maybe some
restaurants or Café and arranging the expenses of the day. NGO OPEN SOUL must also
prepare the following for the APV (before and after):
· Info pack with the program of the APV, in the program we need to make the whole analysis of the project and to represent all plans that will be prepared from the organisations (Management plan, dissemination and follow up plan, evaluating and checking up plan
· Also, in the program we need to sign the internal agreements of the organisations and to proceed with the transfers of the money
· Arranging also some cultural or fun night (party or something like this)
· Attendance list of the participants with signatures
· Boarding passes of all participants from Cyprus and Latvia
· Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the APV meeting with photos

Activity 5: Initial Research (all countries)
Responsible organisation for the Initial Research: OPEN SOUL, POLAND
Organizations must do initial research in their countries and research must
have the following chapters in it with a bibliography: The Research will be
conducted by all of the participating organisations and members of this
The methodology of the research will be based on Non-Formal Education, with a focus on on forms of art as therapy post-covid. The basic strategy and order of this activity will be as follows:
Gaining relevant inputs on all mentioned fields of work within this project from specialists in the field,
· doing additional research on how this can be implemented in non-formal education and implementing this research and knowledge into all the activities of the project (i.e., in the training, in the handbook, etc.).
At the end of this project, the research findings and methodology will be published in a web forum (& handbook) and made available to the target groups of this project. When it comes to the contents of the research, it will be organized around several themes, each of which will be represented by a workshop (an online presentation of each topic to the members of this project): "Methodology of _______ as form of art as therapy," where we will be able to demonstrate all of the forms of art and its possibilities in youth work. These workshops will take place at the initial stage of the project and the knowledge acquired will serve as the foundation for further research and implementation.
OPEN SOUL, POLAND: The NGO is responsible of gathering all the research from each organisation and to arrange the chapter of the handbook of the initial research from the organisations (each initial research must be at least 15 pages with diagrams also).
Period for the initial Research: November 2023 – February 2024

Activity 6: Training of Youth Workers for Movement, Drama and Arts as Therapy in Youth Work (Cyprus)
Responsible organisation for the dissemination and follow up plan: ACPELIA, CYPRUS
Activity dates: 3 to 9 of March 2024, Hylatio Tourist Village,
of the organisations:
OPEN SOUL, Poland: Arranging ticketing for the 4 participants that will attend the training from 3 to 9 of March. Except from the expenses in travelling you will need another 100 euro for your transfer from airport to venue and back. Tickets at the moment are around 200 euro for each participant.
YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA: Arranging ticketing for the 4 participants that will attend the training from 3 to 9 of March. Except from the expenses in travelling you will need another 100 euro for your transfer from airport to venue and back and also another 200 euro for the extra day that they will stay if you use this travel plan. Tickets at the moment are the moment are approximately 150 euro.

ACPELIA, CYPRUS: NGO will arrange full accommodation and food for the 5 days of the training and coffee and snacks for the brakes. NGO ACPELIA will also have 2 trainers for the implementation of the activities. Also, NGO ACPELIA is responsible of the following:
- · Info pack with the program of the training, in the program we need to have all the activities that participants will learn and to be able to implement in their countries.
- · Arranging also some cultural or fun night (party or something like this)
- · Attendance list of the participants with signatures
- · Boarding passes of all participants from Poland and Latvia (must be send to applicant organisation)
- · Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the Training meeting with photos.
- · Detailed and analytically writing of all the activities that will be implemented so to be able to work on them after the training.

Through our unique approach of using movement/arts/drama techniques, we aim to provide a creative outlet for young people to express themselves and handle their emotions in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Creative arts can create a fun and engaging learning experience that encourage young people to explore their creativity and develop their own unique voice. By incorporating fictional stories into our workshops, we hope to inspire young people to think critically about the world around them and imagine new possibilities for the future. Additionally, the use of fictional stories and characters can provide a sense of distance and perspective that allows individuals to reflect on their own lives with greater clarity. Fictional stories often capture our imagination because they take us away from our reality, transporting us to different times and places. In this way, we may find that we experience thoughts and feelings that we don't normally allow ourselves to feel in our everyday lives.

To implement our activity, we are going to use drama exercises, improvisations, role play, storytelling, drawing, collage, and body-dance movement. During the activities, participants will have time to express themselves and the opportunity to experience and explore different materials. By engaging in these creative activities, young people can explore their emotions and experiences in a non-threatening way, which can lead to increased self-awareness and improved emotional regulation. It has also been shown to help people find alternative ways to express their feelings as well as more improved ways of coping with upsetting life situations. Furthermore, creative arts can be particularly effective for individuals who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally or who struggle with traditional talk therapy. It offers a creative and engaging approach to healing that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of everyone.

Activity 7: Implementation of Movement, Drama and Arts as Therapy
in Youth Work (all countries)
Responsible organization for the dissemination and follow-up plan: ACPELIA, CYPRUS
Period of the activity: from March 2024 till August 2024
activity will also take place after the training in Cyprus and will be foster
from the trainer that we will have during our main activity. In our
implementation, the youth workers will have the opportunity to evaluate the
activities that we did in training (through zoom meetings), to see what works
and what does not, and what things can be improved to be more efficient and creative
for their groups and to try different approaches or create their own
activities according to their goals and their teams. Of course, every team is
different and has different needs and a different way of approaching and that's
why a youth worker or a trainer must adapt easily according to the energy and
the dynamic of each group separately. Some days we will invite the groups that
our youth workers are working with us, and another day we will do another session
to evaluate that process and how it could be improved. Also, if there are some
youth workers that want to work with youngsters in the future, but they don't
have a group now, we will have a support group of volunteers (mostly coming
from disadvantaged environments) to work with. Furthermore, all of the
experiences will be recorded, and we will start to prepare our common document
that will in the end be an electronic booklet for all of us, but while we are
working, testing, having trial activities and track all the process-making
improvements where needed. We will have a working document that we will all
be stakeholders of that document.
Finally, during this activity, we will start to work on our electronic booklet and record our sessions, keeping what is working successfully and checking about the improvements that may still be needed or the variations and adaptations that could also be used depending on their needs and goals.
All organisations: Will make at least six follow-up activities (daily activities, 2 youth workers in each activity for implementation and at least 15 youth workers in each activity) so to implement all the activities that youth workers learn in the training. For each activity all organisations will keep the following documents:

- · Info pack with the program of each activity, in the program we need to have all the activities that participants will learn and to be able to implement in their countries.
- · Advertising to social media of the training and to the Facebook page of the program
- · Posters and invitations of the activities.
- · Attendance list of the participants with signatures
- · Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the Training meeting with photos.
- · Detailed and analytical writing of all the activities that will be implemented so to be able to work on them after the training.
- · 4 videos from the implementation certain activities with explanations (total of 12 video one for each activity – this will be shared according to the trainer)
ACPELIA CYPRUS: One trainer is responsible for the good implementation of the activities and fixing all documents with suggestions of the youth workers according to their implementation in their organisations.
Activity 8: Training of Trainers for Photography and Music as Therapy in Youth Work (Latvia)
Responsible organisation for the dissemination and follow up plan: YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA
Dates of the Activity: 2 to 8 of September 2024
SOUL, Poland: Arranging ticketing for the 4 participants
that will attend the training from 2 to 8 of September 2024.
ACPELIA, CYPRUS: Arranging ticketing for the 4 participants that will attend the training from 2 to 8 of September 2024.
YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA: NGO will arrange full accommodation and food for the 5 days (2 to 8 of September 2024) of the training and coffee and snacks for the brakes. NGO Young Folks will also have 2 trainers for the implementation of the activities. Also, NGO YOUNG FOLKS is responsible of the following:
- Info pack with the program of the training, in the program we need to have all the activities that participants will learn and to be able to implement in their countries.
- · Arranging also some cultural or fun night (party or something like this)
- · Attendance list of the participants with signatures
- · Boarding passes of all participants from Poland and Cyprus (must be send to applicant organisation)
- · Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the Training meeting with photos.
- · Detailed
and analytically writing of all the activities that will be implemented so to
be able to work on them after the training.
With this activity we are planning to explore for youth workers the advantages of Music as Therapy combining with Art as Therapy. During the activity, participants will have the opportunity to learn about different music therapy techniques and how they can be applied in their work with young people. They will also have the chance to experiment with creating their own music and explore how it can be used as a tool for personal growth and healing.

Through this exploration, we aim to equip youth workers with the knowledge and skills to effectively incorporate music as a therapeutic tool in their work with young people. By understanding the power of music in promoting emotional well-being and social connections, youth workers can help young people overcome various challenges and improve their overall quality of life.
We would also like to combine arts with music as a therapy tool. To create art we will use everything, our bodies, minds, nature, and other tools. We are going to use art as a way of relieving our emotions, as a way of showing our emotions as a way of understanding through photography art. Incorporating music and art into youth programs can also provide a platform for self-expression and creativity, which can boost self-esteem and confidence in young people. Through the combination of music and photography, we can create a powerful medium that can help individuals process and release their emotions, leading them to a place of healing and renewal. This approach can be especially beneficial for those who struggle to express themselves verbally or who find it difficult to connect with others on an emotional level.

Music therapy has been proven to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in youngsters. It can also improve their mood, increase their self-esteem, and enhance their communication skills. By incorporating photography into therapy sessions, participants can further explore their emotions and express themselves in a creative way.

Activity 9: Implementation of Photography and Music as Therapy in Youth Work (all countries)
Responsible organization for the dissemination and follow-up plan: YOUNG FOLKS, LATVIA
Period of the activity: from September 2024 till March 2025
activity will also take place after the training in Latvia and will be foster
from the trainer that we will have during our main activity. In our
implementation, the youth workers will have the opportunity to evaluate the
activities that we did in training (through zoom meetings), to see what works
and what does not, and what things can be improved to be more efficient and creative
for their groups and to try different approaches or create their own
activities according to their goals and their teams. Of course, every team is
different and has different needs and a different way of approaching and that's
why a youth worker or a trainer must adapt easily according to the energy and
the dynamic of each group separately. Some days, we will invite the groups that
our youth workers are working with us, and another day we will do another session
to evaluate that process and how it could be improved. Also, if there are some
youth workers that want to work with youngsters in the future, but they don't We have a group now, we will have a support group of volunteers (mostly coming
from disadvantaged environments) to work with. Furthermore, all of the
experiences will be recorded, and we will start to prepare our common document
that will in the end be an electronic booklet for all of us, but while we are
working, testing, having trial activities and track all the process making
improvements where needed to. We will have a working document that we will all
be stakeholders of that document.
Finally, during this activity we will start to work on our electronic booklet and record our sessions, keeping what is working successfully and checking about the improvements that may still be needed or the variations and adaptations that could also be used depending on their needs and their goals.
All organisations: Will make at least six follow-up activities (daily activities, 2 youth workers in each activity for implementation and at least 15 youth workers in each activity) so to implement all the activities that youth workers learn in the training. For each activity, all Organizations will keep the following documents:
- · Info pack with the program of each activity, in the program we need to have all the activities that participants will learn and to be able to implement in their countries.
- · Advertising to social media of the training and to the Facebook page of the program
- · Posters and invitations of the activities.
- · Attendance list of the participants with signatures
- · Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the Training meeting with photos.
- · Detailed and analytical writing of all the activities that will be implemented so to be able to work on them after the training.
- · 4 videos from the implementation certain activities with explanations (total of 12 video one for each activity – this will be shared according to the trainer)
YOUNG FOLKS LATVIA: One trainer is responsible for the good implementation of the activities and fixing all documents with suggestions of the youth workers according to their implementation in their organisations.

Activity 10: Handbook, Video and cards as Outputs results of the activities in Creative Arts as therapy in Youth Work
Responsible organisation for the dissemination and follow up plan: ACPELIA, CYPRUS
organisations are responsible for the following:
Organisation of the videos, cards and the analytical description of 4 activities for the handbook about Creative Arts (theater, movement, art) as therapy tools in Youth Work.
Organisation of the videos, cards and the analytical description of 4 activities for the handbook about Creative Arts (music and Photography) as therapy tools in Youth Work.
ACPELIA, CYPRUS: ACPELIA is responsible of gathering them and making a handbook for our webpage and also adding all the video and cards in our page.

Activity 11: Final TM Meeting (Poland)
Responsible organisation for the Kickoff Meeting: OPEN SOUL, POLAND
organisations must have 2 participants to attend the APV meeting in Poland from
3 to 5 of October 2023.
SOUL, POLAN: Organizing a place for the APV, maybe some
restaurants or Café and arranging the expenses of the day. NGO OPEN SOUL must
also prepare the following for the APV (before and after):

- · Info pack with the program of the APV, in the program we need to make the whole analysis of the project and to represent all plans that will be prepared from the organisations (Management plan, dissemination and follow up plan, evaluating and checking up plan
- · Also, in the program we need to sign the internal agreements of the organisations and to proceed with the transfers of the money
- · Arranging also some cultural or fun night (party or something like this)
- · Attendance list of the participants with signatures
- · Boarding passes of all participants from Cyprus and Latvia
· Detailed report of all activities that are been done during the APV meeting with photos